SOXO Radio | Nadia Vaeh | Musical Artist

Nadia Vaeh

Nadia Vaeh is a well-established pop-rock artist based and raised in Atlanta, Georgia. She is known for her conscious, expressive pop vocals and an eclectic mix of musical genres, including pop, rock, and punk. Early on, she demonstrated an interest in the arts. Her interest in music began at the age of two. In middle school, Nadia showed ability as an actor and singer. By high school, she was performing with bands and crafting songs. Nadia's mother loved words and passed that passion on to her, resulting in Nadia's talent as a lyricist. When Nadia was seventeen her mother committed suicide; and her life took a dark turn. She stayed away from songwriting and singing for years, and her band disbanded. She went down a tumultuous and self-destructive path and used relationships and parties as coping mechanisms. After her heartbreak, she became a husk of a person and looked for answers anywhere. "I made a lot of missteps when I first began my career and had to learn a lot of things the hard way." Later, she had the opportunity to meet a circus ringmaster and began performing. Singing in circus productions caused the return of the rising star.

Her debut single “Yoyo”, was released on April 23rd, 2019. She caught the attention of several tastemakers and credible organizations throughout her career. Due to her commercial success, reviews, and overall impact, Nadia was given the “Vox Pop” award by the Independent Music Awards group. Her single “Holidazed & Confused” was embraced by the IMA and the W.A.M. Awards in 2020 as the winner (of the Holiday music category). Several publications have also covered the artist, such as EAR MILK, Pop Wrapped, A&R Factory, and many more. The songwriter has aspects of her personal experiences that inspire many of her projects. A recent project details her state of mind and emotions around the time she lost her mother. In an interview with SOXO Radio, she stated, “...many of my songs are based on real events or experiences with people. My latest release, “Friends U Couldn’t Keep”, is based on a friendship breakup I went through with two friends I was very close to. It sucked, and I wanted to create a song that sonically portrayed the sadness, pain, and beauty in the goodbye, as walking away was one of the best things I could have done.” Her upcoming single titled “Trauma Bond” is scheduled for release on October 13th, 2023, with several follow-ups the following year. Outside of her contribution(s) to music, she’s used her platform and position to advocate for mental health and philanthropic activities. In addition to the Human Rights Campaign and The Trevor Project, she has donated her proceeds to several charities.